
Showing posts from April, 2019


                       AL-KHAFID                        (The Abaser)      He who diminishes or decreases.                        YA-KHAFID Anyone who says this Attribute 500 times,Allah will fulfill all his needs and remove all his difficulties...Insha-Allah. One who fasts for three days and on the fourth day says this beautiful Name 70 times while sitting in seclusion will gain victory over his enemies .... Insha- Allah.


                         AL-BASIT                       ( The Expander) He who is the expander.                          Ya-BASIT Lift the hands as in Due after salaat-Doha and say this Name of Allah 10 times.Thereafter pass the hands across the face as when finishing  the due.If this is done on a daily basis ,Allah will grant self - sufficiency and independence .


                            Ya-QABID              Whoever writes ( with saffron or by the mere action of ones finger) this Attribute of bread (or roti) daily for 40 consecutive days and eats them,such a person will be safeguarded against hunger ,thirst,injuries, pain etc..Insha- Allah.     


                        AL-ALIM                     (The All-knowing) He who is all knowing.                       Ya-ALIM One who says this Beautiful Name of Allah excessively, Allah will open for him the doors of knowledge and wisdom.Also ,his heart will become imbued with cognizance ( ma'rifah) of Allah.


                            Ya-FATTAH Anyone who places bhot hands on his chest after Fajr salat and says this Attribute of  Allah 70 times ,his heart will be illuminated with the noor of imaan -- Insha-Allah.


                        Ya-RAZZAQ Anyone who blows in all four corners of the house after saying this Beautiful Name of Allah 10 times in each corner  before proceeding for fajar  salat ,Allah  will open for him  the doors of rizq.Morecover ,his family will be safeguarded against  poverty and sickness .( Begin from the righthand corner while facing the Qiblah.

Valley kaghan

The mist clouded the area as hameed woke up early that morning .Looking out of his window ,he was expecting a view of bright and beautiful hills and animals grazing in the meadom ,below.Because of the mist he couldn't see for more then 20 metres.Hameed  had looked forward to his annual holiday .Working hard in the city centre ,he was tried and bored of the daily routine .he had had little time for pleasures such as relaxation.The holiday had been booked for weeks. He had looked forward to a trip to the Northern areas ,for away from the hustle and bustle of work. The apartment belonged to his friend. it had a beautiful interior décor and was located at a very central place from where he could  easily move around.


                        Ya-WAHHAB A poverty - stricken person should either say this Attributed of Allah excessively or write it and keep it on him or say it 40 times in the last sajdah of salaatud - Doha ( chashst) he will be amazed at how Allah Will deliver him from poverty. For any need to be fulfilled, observe sajdah thrice in the courtyard of the house or Masjid and thereafter lift the hands as in Due and repeat this Attribute of Allah 100 times.Allah willing ,one' s need will be fulfilled .      Insha-Allah.


                        AL-QAHHAR                      ( The Dominant) He who is victorious and dominant in a way that He can do anything He wills.                       Ya-QAHHAR One who is Materialistically inclined should recite this  Attribute of Allah ' s love will become ingrained in his heart.


                      AL-GHAFFAR                 (The Great forgiver)                 He who is all - forgiving.                       Ya-GHAFFAR Any person who recites this Attribute of Allah 100 times after jummu'ah salat,he will soon begin to apprehend. Allah's forgiveness. And anyone who says yaa Ghaffaar'u lghfir Lee daily after Asr salat,Allah will include him amongst those whom He has forgiven.


                      Al-MUSSAWWIR.                                          ( The Fashioner)              The who designs all things.                       Ya-MUSAWWIR If a barren woman fasts for 7 days and each day, after making iftari these three names (ya-khaliq,ya-Bari ,ya-musawwir) 21times Allah will grant her male children. Insha-Allah.


                    Masjid- Al- Haram "The sacred Mosque " is the largest mosque in the world.Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba during prayers ,no matter where they are. The direction facing the Kaaba is called the Qibla .The mosque is also known as the Grand Mosque .One of the five pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime if able to do so.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque.

Abu Dhabi,united Arab Emirates Sheikh zayed Grand Mosque was initiated by the late President of the united Arab  Emirates ( UAE),HH sheikh zayed bin sultan Al  Nahyan ,who wanted to establish a structure which  unites the cultural diversity of Islamic world, the historical and modern  values of architecture and art. It is the largest mosque in the united  Arab Emirates and the eighth largest mosque in the world .The mosque is large enough to accommodate over 40,000  worshippers. It features 82 domes ,over a 1,000 columns, 24 carat gold gilded  chandeliers and the world' s largest hand  knotted carpet. The main prayer hall is dominated by one of the world's largest chandeliers- 10 metres in diameter,15 metres in height and weight twelve tonnes.

Qol Sharif Masque.

                    Qol Sharif Mosque Kazan, Russia originally, the mosque was built in the Kazan Kremlin in the 16th was named after Qolsarif , who served there.Qolsarif died with his numerous students  while defending Kazan from Russian forces in is believed that the building featured minarets, bhot in the from of  cupolas and tents.Its design was traditional for  volge Bulgaria, although elements of early Renaissance and  Ottoman architecture could have been use as well .Its look is decisively can accommodate 6,000 worshippers. It is a so nice and beautiful mosque.


                   Al-Masjid bal- Nabawi.                Madina,Saudi Arabia.                                 Al- masjid al- Nabawi"Mosque of the Prophet " ,often called the Prophet's Mosque, is a mosque built by the Islamic  prophet Muhammad situated in the city of Madina.It is the  second holiest site in Islam ( the first being the Masjid al- Haram in Makkah).       It was the second  mosque built in history and is now one of the largest mosques in the world. After an expansion during the reign of al-walid l,it also now incorporates the site of the final resting place of Muhammad and early Muslim leaders Abu Bakr and umar.  It is sooooooo beautiful and nice mosque. I like it.

Badshahi Mosque

The Badshahi Mosque means the 'Imperial Mosque' in Lahore, commissioned by the sixth Mughal Emperor  Aurangzeb in 1671 and completed in 1673,is the second largest mosque in  Pakistan and south Asia and the fifth largest mosque in the world. Epitomizing the beauty,passion and grandeur of the Mughal era,it is Lahore ' s most famous landmark and a major tourist  attraction. Capable of accommodating 55,000 worshippers in its main prayer hall and a further 95,000 in its courtyard and porticoes. The four minarets of the Badshahi Mosque are 13.9 ft (4.2m) taller than those of the  Taj Mahal and the main platform of the Taj Mahal  can fit inside the courtyard of the Badshahi Mosque , which is the largest mosque courtyard in the world.


                       AL-BARI                        (The Maker)                          YA-BARI If a barren woman fasts for 7 days and each day' after making ifteri, Al- Baari' ul -  Musawweru 21 times , Allah will grant her male children .... Insaha- Allah.


                         AL-KHALIQ                           The Creator He  who creates everything from nothing and creates all things with the knowledge of what will happen to them.                       YA-KHALIQ Anyone who recites this Beautiful Name of Allah 100 time daily for 7 consecutive days ,Allah will protect him against all adversities...Insha-Allah .And one who forms the habit of its continuous recital , Allah will create an angel for  the purpose of worshipping  Allah on his behalf.


                   Al-MUTAKABBIR The Magestic He who shows his greatness in all things and in all ways.                 Ya-MUTAKABBIR The constant reciter of this Name of Allah will be granted honour and dignity .If read excessively before any task ,it will be accomplished.      InSHA- ALLAH.


                               Al- AZIZ                    ( The Mighty One)                The unconquerable.                               Ya-AZIZ Allah Ta' ala will grant honour and self sufficiency to the one who recites this Beautiful Name of Allah 40 time for 40 days .If read 41 times after fajar prayer ,the reader will become self - sufficient and attain honour if he is disgraced.


                        AL-JABBAR                      The Compeller He who repairs all broken things,who completes that which is incomplete, and who has the ability, with force ,to make people do whatever he wants.                          YA-JABBAR Anyone who reads this   Beautiful Name of Allah 226 times each morning and even ing he will be safeguarded against the oppression of tyrants and despots.The wearer will inspire awe in the hearts of people.


                       AL-MUHAYMIN                          The Protector He who watches over and protects all things.                   Ya-MUHAYMIN Anyone  who offers 2 RA'Kaat of salat after having had a bath  and recites this  beautiful name of Allah 100 times with  sincerity,he will be purified in body and sport.And if read 115 times ,Allah will acquaint him with the unseen.                      "Insha-Allah"


                         AL-MUMIN                   The Giver of Peace He who places faith in the heart of his servants,protects those who seek refuge in Him,and gives tranquility.                       YA-MU'MIN Whoever says this Beautiful Name of Allah 630 times in times of fear,Allah will protect him from all calamities insha- Allah. If anyone writes it ( on paper or by engraving it on a silver ring) and keeps it with him as ( ta' weez), his physical and spirtual safety will remain the responsibility of Allah                      " insha- Allah"

Ya- salam'O

                           As-salam                  The Giver of  Peace He who frees his servants from all danger and obstruction.He who gives his greatings to those fortunate people in heaven.                          YA- Salam Allah will protect one from all calamities if this Beautiful Name of Allah is read excessively. If recited 115 times and blown on a sick person, Allah Ta'ala will restore his health.                       "Insha- Allah

Ya- Quddus'O

Al- Quddus'O The holy one and Free from all Blemishes.              Ya-Quddus'O If you will repeat this ism( Name) 100 time dafily,you will be cured from spiritual sickness and anguish.


AL-MALIK'O The Alone Sovereign Lord.           Ya-MALIK'O He who is the highest authority.If you will re-city this ism (name) con- secretively after zawal time ,you will be re-warded abundant wealth and respect in the soci- ety.


The All-Merciful            Ya-RAHEEM'O He who confers incalcu-lable blessing and pros- perity ,believers in the day of  judgment. If you will re-cite this ism (Name )100 time after ever Farz Pray-ers,the entire creation will become friendly and affec- tionate towards you.            

Ya- Rahman'O

                    '   Ya- Rahman'o He who confers blessings and prosperity to all be- ings without showing dis- parity. If you will recite this ism (Name) after preyers, you will be rewarded by good memory , keen awareness and be free of a heavy heart.

Ya Allah

The proper name of Allah. No word of the word can describe the real meaning of this name " Allah" This name is the remedy for uncer - tainties and doubts about the faith in Allah.if you will repeat this name 1000 time daily, your heat will be free of all faith will be stronger.